Afro Main Street
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Support Our Push for Total Equality.
The AfroMainStreet Equality Petition is a tool to be used by our team of activists, lawyers, and other professionals for politicians, courts, local governments, and businesses to achieve equality for all. Diversity and inclusion are choices. Equality is God given. A nations promise centuries overdue. `We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal...`

National Society of Black Engineers Convention 2025 Convention - Organization
The 2025 Annual Convention is a four-day event with an anticipated 15,000 attendees, 400-plus Career Fair exhibitors and 5,000-plus NSBE members and others at the Opening, General and Closing Sessions. During the Annual...
Promote a Event - Headline
Help make a more active life where you live....
The African American Creative Quest - Arts-Culture
We want to discover unknown creative talent, hobbyists, as well as professionals. List, and help promote all Black creativity. Refer creative people you know, or post their name in the Creative Quest Talk, and...
- Promo
Join AfroMainStreet to promote yourself or what you are doing, to help others, or to be part of something important, making a difference for the better. The bigger your footprint in the world the more you get and can give. Share and enlighten.

Black Business Listings - Headline
We want to build a black business listing. List local black businesses, also acknowledge and promote them. Another important parts in the business section. A place for you to recommend local black...
The Edge of Reality - Art
It's a thin line between living with wonder, and living without. 40" x 40" acrylic on canvas. ...
I wonder what - Art
Support Our Push for Total Equality. - Promo
The AfroMainStreet Equality Petition is a tool to be used by our team of activists, lawyers, and other professionals for politicians, courts, local governments, and businesses to achieve equality for all. Diversity and inclusion are choices. Equality is God given. A nations promise centuries overdue. `We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal...`

Clear Thoughts - Art
Do something... If not for you, do it for them. - Headline
Do something good with the gift of life you have been given. ...
The AMS Express Quest, for Black creative expression - Headline
We celebrate all African American art, music, writing, and dance. It is important to recognize everyone's self expression and journey into creativity, while also archiving it.....
Local makers and shakers - News
The people are in your local area that are making things happen, shaking things up. People doing or saying things that help the black community, having a impact, making a difference. Give some...
- Promo
AfroMainStreet Mission 1 - One place for everything black.'s sections cover all aspects of African American life. 2 - Make life better for African Americans. Working to improve Black African Americans. More money, safety, and happiness. 3 - Promote and grow African-American culture. We are dedicated promoting all kinds, and levels, of black creativity. 4 - Improve our image to the world.

National Alliance on Mental Illness - Social Services
Despite the needs, only one in three Black adults with mental illness receive treatment. According to the American Psychiatric Association’s Mental Health Facts for African Americans guide, they are also: -...
AfroMainStreet Talks - Headline
What you think, and know is important....
Grandma - Art
Every face tells a story. Some faces tell a book with many chapters, a lot of people, a lot of happiness, sadness and wisdom. I know because my grandma was all that and...
- Promo
We celebrate all African American art, music, writing, and dance. It is important to recognize everyone's self expression and journey into creativity. All great or interesting things come from our imagination. Exercise yours while promoting yourself.

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