The African American Creative Quest ...Arts-Culture,
We want to discover unknown creative talent, hobbyists, as well as professionals. List, and help promote all Black creativity.
Refer creative people you know, or post their name in the Creative Quest Talk, and we'll find them. Consider showing your own thing. It does not matter how good you think you are, what matters is expressing yourself.
Arts - artists, poets, dancers.
Food - your favorite local black restaurants, your recipes.
Music - singers,instrumentalists, songwriters, music makers.
You are what you do. It's not the chores you do, or your job, unless you own the company. It's what you offer of yourself to others, and the world, that has any significance, that is real..
BE inventive, original, inspired, somebody, known... Show your vision. .  
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We need more places to show and be able to sell our art. If you can do something about it do it. thanks.