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AfroMainStreet Mission 1 - Improve the lives of African Americans. Our web platform sections, and our diverse team of professionals, and volunteers, objective is to fight for social equality, against racism, and help African Americans live a better lives, mental, physical, and economic improvement. Information, content, services and resources for individual and business success. 2 - One place for everything black.'s sections cover all aspects of American life, - Preserve and promote Black culture, our creative arts, and self expression. -Talks, advice, and information, that makes a difference. - Groups for community activities, or activism. - Promote our events, places, businesses, clubs, and spiritual organizations. - Archive our true history, and stories. 3 - Improve our image to the world. We are dedicated to presenting a positive and true image of African Americans, our contributions, and achievements in America. What is AMS? is more than just a website. It's sections cover all aspects of black Americans lives, and interests. All in one place. National, and global, but most importantly local. Focusing on your life, and the people where you live. People you can interact with in the real world, to do real things. Post and share across the sections. Ideas, creativity, activities, groups, events, businesses and more, making it easy to get involved in things that will enrich your life, make a difference in the community, or just have fun.
Get involved. Help, or join our team Sections
Section description (black).
How the Section helps you (green). The more you post content and comments, the more it can do for you.     

Everyone is welcome to, to explore, enjoy, or learn about, the African American experience.
There are ways for anyone to be a part of our community.

It is important for Blacks to have a platform to express, and share thoughts and ideas freely, a platform that is not controlled by others. Join or start a conversation on any topic.
Be a part of the solution, doing nothing is a problem. Improve communication skills. Get a better perspective, understanding, and solutions from others.
Get or see advice on relationships, family, or work. Ask the experts we've assembled a question about anything, we'll have, or get the answer.
Everyone needs a little help now and then. True weakness is not asking for it. Honest, helpful advice, from the African American perspective.
Join or start a group in your city, or online, of people who share an interest,a activity, or whatever.
Be a part of something with others. Directly effect change, enjoy the fulfillment of working, or playing together.

Express your creativity for fame, fortune, or fun. Art, music, singing, writing, poetry, dance, or stage performance. Just a hobby or professional, it doesn't matter how good it is, either way you will get people's attention, and grow your popularity.
Get known, be who people talk about, or advance your career. Creative expression on any level exercises the imagination, and is where all great things start. Exercise builds a better body. Expression builds a better life.

Promote your local event of any kind, for free. We need to get together, do things, have some fun, or make some money.
Events, and activities are crucial for enjoying a truly social life.

Post Black places of interest in your community, or pictures of you, your friends, or family out at places.
Being out around town is a important part of community. It's what the word means. Show off places, and grow your popularity. The more people you know, the further you can go.

Interesting feature stories and videos, and must see influencers information & ideas. Post a sample to get your place on AMS. Want to influence people? Do it
There are a lot of interesting people, and untold stories, right around us, that are not only entertaining, but often important. Stories, and information will expand our enlightenment. We grow from what we know.

Post your Black owned business listing, or recommend favorite Black businesses.
We need to know about, and promote, Black businesses around us. Greater self-reliance for businesses, creates jobs, and brings more money into our communities.

Help our listing of non-Black businesses that are African American friendly, or that are not.
When we can we should help businesses that help us.

Post your Black Clubs or organizations for recognition, reference, or promotion.
Black organizations, and clubs need to be recognized, especially if they are doing good things. It helps them do more.

We also list important government and community services available, and needed.
Much of the help people can get they are not aware of, or don't know to go about getting it. Accessing available services physical, emotional, or financial is important to survival.

Ministers and preachers can vastly expand their reach, and effectiveness, by posting their church information, or sermons.
Spiritually has always been a important part of the Black community. It helps bring us together, and keep it together.

Educators, students, or people interested in history can submit papers or reports relating to African Americans lives, and events, through the years, to be included in the Learning section.
A good knowledge of or history makes us proud of the good, and not repeat the bad.
The African-American history timeline project is a accurate chronicle and quick reference, of important, and often ignored events in African American history.
It is not good that our history has being written by others, and information has been diluted, distorted or omitted.

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