Afro Main Street Go to a Metro Area

Afro Main Street .com

Press is looking for dedicated people

1- I. T. people. Experts in PHP, MYSQLi, Javascript, or server management & security. 2 - Local reporters. People to report various creative arts, and events around our metro area. 3 - Sales Reps People with social media skills, or sales experience. Email your experience to, and tell us the type of work you are looking for, and why you believe you are a fit with us. Let's change lives.

Contact Brent W.

What is

AMS is more than just a website. It's a community with sections covering all aspects of black Americans lives, and interests. All in one place. National, and global, but most importantly local. Focusing on your life, and the people where you live. People you can meet, and interact with in the real world. Post, share and promote across the sections your ideas, creativity, activities, groups, events, business and more. AMS makes it easy to be active, and involved in things that will improve lives, make a difference in the community, or just have fun. All sections of the platform adhere to our mission: To improve the lives of African Americans, improving our image to the rest of the world, and offer a open, free platform bringing together all aspects of our lives. We promote positive content, personal development, and unity over the entire platform, and businesses.

Learn more...


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