Afro Main Street Go to a Metro Area


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How we'll do it.   (Headline)     Dec. 9, 2024

Get Real, You matter. Together, You, and our team can make a difference in all of our lives.


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Working to fulfill our mission. Our team, associates and volunteers work for African American advancement in all areas, with Black businesses, professional, political and organizations of all kinds. While you are here at least sign the Equality Petition. ‣ We also need your help to archive Black self expression. Your creativity, or refer others. ‣ Share your advice, or wisdom for other Blacks. ‣ Help build local Black businesses listings. ‣ Add pictures with captions from places of interest, you think other Blacks should know about. Begin your own personal self improvement. The first step towards making a better life is to help yourself. Like they say on the airplane, put on your air mask before assisting others. You can't help anyone get their act together if yours is not. leading by example is more effective than telling someone to do something. About Us page


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