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The AMS Express Quest, for Black creative expression   (Headline)     Mar. 28, 2024

We celebrate all African American art, music, writing, and dance. It is important to recognize everyone's self expression and journey into creativity.


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Show your art for yourself, others, and the chance to be included in this years multi-city art gallery tour, as a armature or a professional. Most of us can name many singers, or actors, but how many artists or poets can we name? We urge you to reach out to the creative people you know, professional or just hobbyist, to post something here on AfroMainStreet.  Post to the Quest Post any Creativity
So you say you are not a artist? Even a doodle is art, or consider this painting by Barnett Newman that sold for 84.2 million dollars.
There is talent and imagination everywhere in our communities, show yours. Post your art a doodle to a mural your poetry even if it doesn't rhyme you singing just a verse of acapella a bit of you making music. Exercise makes a better body. Creativity makes a better life. Ideas, solution to problems, confidence, and courage to overcome obstacles. These are proven benefits of exercising ones imagination and creativity on any level. It does not matter how good your creativity is. It's just that you do it. Expressing a doodle can have the same effect as a painting. In 2023 the average piece of art at auction sold for $42,000, the average writer made $73,000. Just sayin.
We are excited to see what our young people have to offer, towards our future, especially our Black colleges (HBCU). Tell Something Everyone loves a good story, and we want to have a wide selection of stories about real people. Post a story about yourself, ancestor, family member, or person you know, past or present.


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